Tuesday, 4 March 2008

plans for this week.technology.

Biometrics: identify people by measuring some aspect of individual anatomy or physiology - hand print or fingerprint, a deeply ingrained skill, behavioural characteristic, handwritten signature.

the fingerprint is a weak biometric mechanism that works quite well in practice. Friction ridges that cover the fingertips and classify patterns of minutae, such as branches and end points of the ridges - loops, whorls etc.

Carbon dating - using radio activity to determine the age of objects. Material which was living in the last few 10, 000 years. which got carbon from the air.

very tangible --------------------------------------------------blue sky.

Talk to experts.
Look at inks that fade over time.
How is the indication of time passing represented in other contexts.
Sealing. making it tamper proof- not re- resealable.
Create packaging prototypes.
The technology must INFORM the aesthetics and the form.
High tech papers.
How they make money - eg. Australia.
Product must withstand time conditions.
Futuristic - how will passing of time be measured in future.
What would happen if the Queen put a letter into her will? Where would it be kept? What would it look like?
How are exam papers delivered?
Government documents.
Birth.death.marriage certificates.
Medicines that are tamper proof.
How are wages delivered?
Are their duplicates stored?
Where is the letter picked up?
Is it 'delivered' , is it tracked
Create a time line.

Form musn't appear to be 'crafty' it must be refined and look perhaps slightly 'futuristic'.

Look into computer software- labels, packaging, bar codes.

It is a project about the FUTURE. create scenarios etc.

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